Friday, November 21, 2014

Fear Of Karaoke

I'll watch others get up and belt out a song with abandon, joyously making an ass out of themselves or killing it. Doesn't matter. They march up with intent of purpose in hand and let it rip. I've seen people who still spell "S.E.X." let their freak flag fly to the tune of a Sinatra song. They bond with all of the other karaokers because each stepped up and took it on, all members of a Song Singers That Could Club. I look on with envy but cannot. Bring. Myself. To do it. I will fail. Microphones are my friends but not this time. This time I want to run away from its potential evilness. Something inside says karaoke will eat my soul.

Fear is usually rooted in something that is driven into us via nature or nurture. Snakes, bears, even little bitty spiders can actually harm you.  A needle is something puncturing your protective skin. A dentist may have caused you pain when you were too young to understand the intrinsic reasoning. Too many horror movies at a young age? Those clowns will get you.

It seems from the list of phobias that I just read that given enough time, people can be afraid of just about anything.  Fear of dolls, peanut butter being stuck to the roof of your mouth and FLUTES all have real phobia names. So far I see no phobia word for the fear of karaoke, though. I feel illegitimate.

Stage fright, public speaking, being stared at when you are in danger of being publicly humiliated is a huge issue with many many people who are raised to not draw attention to themselves,the opposite of safety. Which is why, as a comic and a performer who puts herself in often emotionally (and occasionally physically) precarious situations, my fear of doing karaoke makes no sense and pisses me off.

Can I sing? Yes. Have I sung in awkward situations in public? Yes. Have I made an idiot out of myself in front of hundreds of people? Hell yes with a capital H. What is it about this particular situation that is so daunting? What was done to me in the past that dictates this irrational behavior? I suspect church choir but can't prove it.

I will over come it, though. I have friends that share my plight and have made strides to conquer this. It is not something that will effect my life if I don't act on it directly but I will know that it is there. It controls me on a small level and this is not acceptable.

So there's a new sheriff in Fear Town, Karaoke, you clown under my bed. You creepy elf on a shelf. You peanut butter on my rooftop. I won't accept you. You won't scare me no more.

Pictures to prove it to follow. Please play the theme song to "Rocky" in your head when you see them.

Update 7/23/15 : Nope. Not yet. But I'm not dead yet.


  1. That's right. We're coming to get you, and you'll enjoy it.

    1. Put your money where your mouth is, Stones. That's right, People. I've been coerced.
