Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Curse Of The Good Audition

So now I am its bitch.  Waiting until the window of opportunity rots away into nothing.  Or not.  Till the phone actually rings and the casting director with the kind voice gets to tell me that she has good news, waiting for me to thank her effusively. Which I usually deliver with gusto since I'm the same person who screams, "I LOVE YOU!" when they give me extra work with a 1pm call time.


It's a great feeling, having industry kiss your ass a little. Keeps you going after using your head for a battering ram a substantial part of your career.  We are the abused wives of show business.

I nailed the little fucker to the wall.  The reading.  Not the casting director.  That would be unethical and kind of gross. There is one thing that I do exceptionally well that a lot of other people in the local business have a hard time matching up to me (that and exhibit extreme modesty)(that's a joke, imaginary person reading this).  I can hit broad comedy on a small screen hard.  There's this tiny piece of moment that I can orchestrate into funny that takes a built in instinct to grab and twist into something different.  In a broad sense, it would fall under comedic timing.  But in reality it is knowing when its okay to let your sense of absurdity out of the gate.  Which I attribute to relying on character choices completely.  And trusting that even though you may offend or make an ass out of yourself, there is no wrong as long it is natural for them to do whatever works. It makes me high.  I get an endorphin rush.  The casting director and her assistant are entertained.  I hear the words, "I love you. I wish I had bigger roles for you to read."  Over 20 years all affirmed in one shot. It's like crystal meth that you only get a couple of times a year if you are lucky.

And you wait for the phone to ring. Or not.  Because they may not want your physical type.  They may want someone who contrasts with the lead more.  They may want something else that you cannot be. And then you wait for another time to get the high of playing with a part that is so rare. So funny.  So easy to hear how to play when you are allowed into the room.

Cocaine was an easier drug.

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